
Picture Gallery

From a youth in Tsarist Russia, military training at West Point and a bohemian lifestyle in 1850s Paris, Whistler went on to embody the image of the cosmopolitan artist. His friendships with Courbet, Fantin Latour, Rossetti, Manet, Monet, Degas, Baudelaire, Wilde, and Mallarme mark him as a crucial player in the larger art movements of the nineteenth century and as a pivotal figure between the British and French art scenes.

As an impressionist, Whistler never adopted the broken strokes and the sunlit effects developed by his former French associates. He worked instead more and more in a muted palette of grays and blacks, softly blended, painting the misty tonalities of evening or gray days, sometimes flecked or splashed with red or golden lights, with strong reference to Japanese prints or Oriental ink-wash drawings with there simplification and their subtle, colorless gradations.

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